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Labor Day: Marlie's Birth Story Part I

Sunday, August 30, 2009

This post is overdue, but I hope you agree it is wort the wait. I spent a lot of time tweaking it as my memories of that day came back. You'd be surprised how much you forget when you are nearly passed out from labor pains. When I finally finished the narrative, I realized it was way too long for a blog post. So I have divided it into two parts. Be sure to subscribe to the blog to get the rest of the story. It's a doozie! Without further adieu, here is Marlie's birth story. It starts with dancing and ends in music...

It's the morning of August 14, and I am tired. M
arlie kept me up the night before doing acrobatics in the womb. As I sat at the dining table with my mother-in-law, I remember thinking today would be a bad day to go into labor because I was so tired. My MIL suggests I go take a nap and I agree, but first I have an urge to dance! I go into the family room and turn on the Hip Hop channel on the TV. Eve's I Gotta Man is playing and I start droppin' it like it's hot! Afterward, I turn to go upstairs when I feel a wetness, then a trickle run down my left leg. I call out to my MIL, "I think my water is breaking!" She feels my leg and confirms it. I go into project management mode. I call the birth center and I am told to get ready and call in an hour with an update. I tell my MIL to call her son while I go shower and get ready. Today is labor day!
labor dayI shower and dress in the nightgown that I bought especially for today. It is lime green and looks like a summer dress. I go back downstairs and ask my MIL if she reached Damon. "No," is her reply. No?! "I called him ten times and he's not answering his cell phone," she says. I don't panic because I remember that we agreed that I would text him when it was time in case he was in a meeting and couldn't have his ringer on or answer his phone. I send a text. We sit and wait for him to call. Minutes creep by with no response so I call his desk...no answer. Okay, I am getting pissed. I go into the next room so my MIL doesn't see my frustration (she is a worrier like me). She follows me into the room and I can tell something isn't right when I look at her. Her right eye is all red and watery. She got so anxious that her blood pressure elevated, and she blew a blood vessel in her eye! I realize that the two us could wind up and the hospital if I don't act fast. I call the operator at my husband's company and explain the situation. They transfer me to security. I tell the nice man that my husband works there, I am in labor, and I can't reach him. He laughs and tells me he is on the case. I feel better already. Ten minutes later Damon calls. He is already in the car. I hold back the blue streak of curse words I had prepared to shout and just tell to drive safely. This is my first birth, so I know we have time, plus I need to stay calm and relaxed.

parents to be on labor day
By the time Damon gets home, it's been and hour and a half since my water started to break. It continues to come in squirts and my contractions are far apart and mild. I call the birthing center to give an update. The midwife can tell that I am still in the very early stages of labor because I am so perky. She suggests I go walk for an hour and call back. Meanwhile, Damon is running around the house. I ask him what he is doing. He is searching for his cell phone, which he finally finds in the car! I also let this blunder slide because I am in the zone. We go outside to walk around the block, but come back after a few minutes due to the intense Texas heat. We decide to drive to Target near the birthing center to walk. After an hour, I am bored and even more tired. We head to Whole Foods hoping to benefit from air conditioning and free samples. Thirty minutes later I am ready to get this show on the road. We call the midwife who tells us to come in for me to get examined. We arrive a little after 4 pm and I am just 4 cm dilated. We must get labor progressing, so I start walking a circuit around the first floor and do pelvic squats every five laps for the next hour and a half. It works! The contractions are stronger and closer together. I have reached active labor!

To be continued...


Aunt Julie said... 1

What a touching story...I've been through this 4x, so I can totally relate. Thanks for sharing! SITS sent me by, and I'm glad they did...

N. Angail said... 2

i should write up my birth story. anyway, greeb smoothies are cool. wats your fav?

Tiffany Nicole said... 3

That's it...I have to wait for more :-/

Kim @ What's That Smell? said... 4

She was soooo ready to come out! Mine were so much more stubborn LOL.

I can't wait to hear the rest.


ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh - i just love a good birth story and GOOD FOR YOU that you are recording it so soon after the birth. i know i have forgotten so much stuff since mine were born and i need to write down what i do remember soon - like before they are 30

The Redhead Riter said... 6

Shame on you for keeping us hanging! Is there really such a thing as a post that is too long...naaah...Besides, my daughter reads books that have over 900 pages so this is a piece of cake!!!! Come on girl, I want to know the rest of the d-e-t-a-i-l-s!

jmt said... 7

:) This almost makes it sound like fun. Not enough to have me have another, mind you! My baby is oooooooooooooooh, wee. No. LOL I can't wait to hear the rest!

Melissa B. said... 8

You know, I wish Blogger had been around when my kids were little. What a wonderful chronicle you're going to have for that sweet baby girl!

Maureensk said... 9

Silly me, I read this in backwards order. You look much less tired in this post. Amazing how that works, huh? :-) The whole birthing thing gets to me still, I got shudders reading your story. It is just so amazing to be able to create this new life. Labor is intense, but is it any wonder when you think of what the end result is? A new, wonderful person! There is no experience that is more rewarding IMHO!

Beth P. said... 10

I loved reading this! Thanks for sharing :-) Happy SITS Saturday Share!

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