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I'm Bored... (Giveaway Closed)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

...with my blog. Granted I just became a new mommy 2.5 months ago and taking care of baby girl has been my #1 priority. Still, becoming a mother doesn't mean I have to throw my personality out with the baby's bath water. I have been yawning at my blog for some time, but I recently became motivated to do something about it. My inspiration? The Redhead Riter! She has recognized my blog with several awards, and I feel compelled to live up to the honors. Moreover, I am in awe at what she has accomplished. She has built a Taj Mahal in the blogosphere by launching a family of networking blogs she calls the Blogrolls. You have to check it out and enter her giveaway! She makes me want to step up my game. I have been experimenting with HTML/CSS code to add some flair to my posts and created a Flickr account to organize photos and graphics. I am also going to start participating in some memes and put that pizazz back into my blogging (I am making jazz hands right now). Get ready because it's going to get more entertaining around here, and I have a W-I-C-K-E-D sense of humor!

I just needed to remind myself why I started this blog: to journal, make friends, and swap information and resources with other mothers (useful tips and services, product reviews and giveaways). On the PR front, I've been reaching out to some companies...stayed tuned. In the meantime, I will work on making my blog more appealing for you. I'm going to start by:

Hosting my first giveaway and it will be self-sponsored (I selected and purchased the prizes).
It's called the 100 Followers Challenge...I am looking for a few good friends to join my site!

blog follow

The prize: a Fall into Comfort Gift Pack
UPDATED: a $10 Target Gift Card has been added to the prize package!!!

winter goodies(pictured: Xhilaration hat and 2 pairs of gloves, Burt's Bees lip balm 2-pack, Swiss Mocha Cafe)

How to enter (entries that do not follow instructions will be disqualified):

Mandatory first entry:
follow my blog publicly with Google Friend Connect and leave a comment. If you are already a follower, state so in your comment.
Earn extra entries for completing each of the following (leave separate comments for each additional entry):

  • subscribe to my blog via email and activate the subscription (2 extra entries=2 separate comments)
  • blog about this giveaway and leave me the link to your post (2 extra entries=2 separate comments)
  • Bonus for my loyal readers: What does Marlie's middle name mean? Post your answer in a comment
The rules:
  • You must have a blog account to enter. Anonymous posts will be discarded.
  • This giveaway will end when the 100th follower joins Marlie and Me.
  • Winner will be chosen randomly from all comments posted.
  • The winner will be notified by email and have 48 hours to respond. Please make sure I can contact you either by having an email address visible on your blog profile or leave your email address in your comment(s). By accepting the prize, the winner is granting permission to have your name posted here.
  • In the event the prize is not claimed in the allotted time, another winner will be chosen.
  • Giveaway is open to US residents only since I am paying for shipping.

Speaking of prizes, I received two awards from sweet Tami @ Hearts Make Families:

best blog award one lovely blog award

I am passing these trophies along to 10 blogs that I have just found and enjoy (it's supposed to be 15, but new baby, remember?). The winners then accept the award by posting them on their blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his/her blog link; pass the award to 15 other blogs that they have recently discovered and think are great (don't be a rule-breaker like me); and contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award. The award winners I chose are listed here in alphabetical order:

  1. The Balancing at of...One Chic Mommy
  2. Dradrah's Place
  3. Leigh vs. Laundry
  4. The Lilac Grove
  5. Maneuvering Motherhood
  6. My Sippy Cup Runneth Over
  7. Personal Journal Blogroll
  8. The Politics of Love
  9. When Did I Become My Mom?
  10. Yaya Stuff
 *This giveaway is self-sponsored*


Clare said... 1

Thank you SO much for commenting on my blog. AND thank you for the award. I love the RR too. She is inspiring! Congrats on your new edition too. I will most certainly follow you and hope that you will do the same.

Anonymous said... 2

Oh thank you!!!!

And I follow!

Stesha said... 3

Love the "jazz hands," my friend! Your blog is awesome!

Hugs and Mocha,

GreedyGirl said... 4

Hi I follow your blog, congrats on the new baby and good luck on getting to 100

leigh hewett said... 5

Awww...I'm honored. I will let you know when the award ceremony takes place.

Thank you,

Nicole @ WhenDidIBecomeMyMom.com said... 6

Thank you. :-)
Congratulations on your new baby. You're getting to the fun part now when you REALLY start seeing their personalities kick in. You sound like you're enjoying it... as you should. :-)

Thanks again, and your blog looks lovely!

Drahdrah said... 7

THANK YOU !!! and I'm following now !

The Redhead Riter said... 8

You are waaaay sweet. Thank you for all the kind words! And THANK YOU for the first award to the Personal Journal Blogroll! I had to stare at it for a minute because it didn't say The Redhead Riter...LOL I'm so silly! I love your blog and as long as you keep posting pictures of Marlie, well, you don't even have to write anything...LOL LOL LOL Not that you are being devalued, but...she is just so darn cute that I always go for the picture before I read what you wrote! Have a lovely day!♥♥♥♥♥

Kimberly Grabinski said... 9

I am sooo happy that you followed up the "I'm bored" with ideas to change that, cause I for one, am not bored with your blog. So I'm glad you just aspire to do more with it!

I follow. I think. I don't use Google super often, it won't change my picture even though I tried (so it looks like I'm incognito).


Harlem Minded said... 10

I follow and I enjoy.

Marina@EBMR said... 11

I follow :)



congrats on your award! thanks for sending us some new peeps to check out!

HeartsMakeFamilies said... 13

Congrats sweetie you deserve it.

Shea said... 14

I'm a fairly recent follower of your blog. Whether you post a few times a week or once a month, I'll definitely read. I'm trying to bone up on as many experiences I can before my little one arrives.

Kathy said... 15

Congratulations on your new baby! She's beautiful! I hope you are recuperating and resting!!

I am having the hardest time getting followers! I really want this challenge to work for you!

I follow you!

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said... 16

I follow you and read your blog! I just only get blog time every few days, I am not sure how others do this every day and keep up ... laundry, dishes, school work, etc... needs to be done around here and blogging really interferes.

The Redhead Riter said... 17

I follow :o)

The Redhead Riter said... 18

I subscribe via email (2nd entry)

The Redhead Riter said... 19

Well this is pathetic because I am as loyal as can be, but not only can't I remember Marlie's middle name, I can't find it on your blog! Is that part of the contest too or can you tell me the middle name. I went all the way through every post :o) actually read some stuff I had already forgotten. My memory used to be so grand. I think I'm getting wrinkles in my brain too. LOL

The Redhead Riter said... 20


I blogged about it on my anniversary :o)

The Redhead Riter said... 21


2nd entry for blogging about it

McVal said... 22

I just signed up to follow! Great little package there and your baby is a doll!

Teresa @ ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥ said... 23

Hey, my friend! As you know, I FOLLOW Little Miss Marlie and her beautiful Mama via Google Friend Connect!


Teresa <><



Teresa @ ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥ said... 24

I subscribe to Marlie & Me via email.

Entry #1

Teresa <><



Teresa @ ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥ said... 25

I subscribe to Marlie & Me via email.

Entry #2

Teresa <><



Teresa @ ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥ said... 26

I remember Little Miss Marlie's middle name and I found a couple of definitions. One is 'to hear/listen' and the other is 'beautiful'. I'm not going to give away the name but I will email it to you if you want.

Teresa <><



Teresa @ ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥ said... 27

Hey! I blogged about your giveaway!


Entry #1

Teresa <><



Teresa @ ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥ said... 28

Hey! I blogged about your giveaway!


Entry #2

Hope you make some new friends! :0)

Teresa <><



Teresa @ ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥ said... 29

You can delete this if you want but I tweeted about the giveaway! Hopefully, a few folks will see it and come by!


Teresa <><

septembermom said... 30

It's nice to meet you! I'm visiting from Teresa's blog. I'm following. Have a great day!

Joyce E. Davis said... 31

Nice to meet you. I'm visiting from the BlogRollers blog. I'm following you now too.

Michele P. said... 32

new blog follower

micaela6955 at msn dot com

keyalus said... 33

Following with Google!

Busted Kate said... 34

Please consider me entered!

Lisa Garner said... 35

I'm following your blog. Thanks!
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

Lisa Garner said... 36

I'm an email subscriber. Entry 1
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

Lisa Garner said... 37

I'm an email subscriber. Entry 2
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com




I subscribe via email. Have a wonderful Holiday Season. I hope you and your beautiful family have a great NEW YEAR, Luv ya, Linda

Jen said... 40
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jen said... 41

Hi! I can't wait til you get 100 followers, and I can't wait til I found out I've won this giveaway! Just kidding, but, of course, that would be awesome :) I'm just one of your many followers!

Tami (Pixeltrash) said... 42

I'm following! YOu're almost there! You can leave a post on my blog and it will come to my email.

Gay Vaughan said... 43

Yay! I made it...#99. I am a follower!! Stopping in from SITS.

Twincerely,Olga said... 44

stopping by from SITS!!! I am your 100'th follower!! Woo~Hoo!!!! You have an awesome blog!Please stop by.I am going to have to find out about your baby girls middle name .so I'll be right back !!I would so love to win cause I have twins and they always need something from Target!!

Unknown said... 45

Congratulations on getting to 100 followers! I am officially follower 101. This is my first of two entries for following.

epfaulkner at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 46

Here is my second entry for becoming a follower and being #101.

epfaulkner at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 47

Here is my entry for being a follower. The other two were for following via e-mail (2 entries).

epfaulkner at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 48

What a BEAUTIFUL little girl!

epfaulkner at gmail dot com

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