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Thursdays with Teresha: 12/3/09

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Blogger TereshaI've started my own talk show, which is just an excuse to shine the spotlight on myself. Kidding! ...but seriously, I'd like you to get to know me and other cool mommy (and daddy) bloggers. So, I post ten Q&As, and ask a blogger who has been tagged by my previous guest to also answer them. I post this blogger's responses on the following Thursdays With Teresha. Plus (this is the best part!), every guest gets a special blog button commemorating their appearance on my show. This week...

Name: Teresha
Blog Name: Marlie and Me
Blog Address: http://marlieandmommy.blogspot.com
How many children do you have and what are their genders/ages? 1 girl, 3.5 months-old

  1. Did you have a pet name/nickname as a child? If so, what was it: I was called Reese for short (pronounced Ree-cee)
  2. By what pet name/nickname do you call your child(ren): Boogie
  3. If you could be a bird or a fish, which would you choose and why: I have a fear of water so I'd be a bird. I think I would enjoy flying.
  4. What animal best describes your kid(s): Marlie is definitely a cat. She likes to stretch, curls up when she sleeps, loves to drink milk, and scratches you with her claws.
  5. What was your favorite TV sitcom growing up: I had so many...Saved by the Bell and The Cosby Show were #1 on my must-see TV list.
  6. How about your favorite Saturday morning cartoon: I loved to watch The Smurfs, Thundercats, He-Man and Jem (she's truly outrageous!). I still watch cartoons...the ones with satirical, political or dark humor like Boondocks, Family Guy, Futurama, South Park
  7. What TV shows do your kid(s) enjoy: Marlie is too young to have a favorite television program (thank goodness!), but she does stare at the screen when I am watching. I need to cut back on the amount of TV I watch so she doesn't develop my bad viewing habits.
  8. Have you finished your holiday shopping? Did you shop online or brave the crowds at the stores: I am not doing any holiday shopping this year...it's too stressful with a new baby and a part of me is weary of the commercialization of the season. Next year, I'm going to make handmade crafts as gifts (if I learn to knit or sew as planned).
  9. What was the best present you ever received and what was the occasion: Last year, we found out that I was pregnant with Marlie six days before Christmas. That was the best gift ever!
  10. If you could spend this holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go: I would be on the next plane to Jamaica without hesitation. I wouldn't even pack, just take my passport and my debit card because I have to eat!
Check back next week for our next guest appearance...


Kimberly Grabinski said... 1

I hardly did any holiday shopping this year, and don't plan on it. I've been blessed to have enough for the kids already, I only bought a couple of things for them.

My son and I are making cookies and craft ornaments to hand out for gifts. We bought little celophane Christmas bags ($1.50 for 20 bags!) and tags that you tie on for them to make them festive and I think because he will have made them, they will be special gifts for everyone!

I used to watch too much TV but I don't anymore, although I probably spend too much time on the internet...

Love the nickname!

keyalus said... 2

Jem was the best!

I used to love She-Ra (He-Man's sister? cousin? friend?) too. You had to find this colorful little cat hidden in every episode. I was entertained and I had an assignment too. Loved it!

Betty Manousos said... 3

Love your list!! #9 THE present!!!!. #10 WOW!
love and
hugs hugs

Unknown said... 4

@AccidentalMommy: I love the idea of making homemade ornaments...I'm going to steal (I mean borrow this idea for next year)!

Mommy Boots (formerly KarmaPearl) said... 5

Cool idea! Thanks for the visit to my blog. I will definitely be back to yours!

Joyce E. Davis said... 6

You really brought back a lot of memories with the Smurfs. I was actually on a softball team called The Smurfettes when I was 8. LOL. I loved the LaffOlympics and Scooby Doo.

And last year my daughter and I made sugar cookies for EVERYONE, friends, family and my co-workers. I let her decorate with sprinkles and chocolate chips. We got some cute baked good christmas bags from the dollar store and some ribbon and went to town.

We added in a cute picture of her to top it off and I took her with me on the deliveries and my folks loved it. Besides being economical, many people love thoughtful gifts made with love.

This year we're doing chocolate candy lollipops - found a recipe in Real Simple.

I love your talk show idea. Keep it going. If you get a chance, I'd love it if you checked out my first video blog. I was nervous, but I think it turned out okay. And there's a giveaway for a child included.

Wishing you a stress-free holiday season!!

Painter Mommy said... 7

Oh gosh, those Saturday morning TV shows brought back some memories. I used to love the Smurfs! How about Fragglerock, do you remember them? LOL

Thanks for sharing.

PS, I think I would like to be a bird too. I dream a lot about flying.


Teresa @ ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥ said... 8

I just love getting to know more about you. It is really neat!

I wanted to drop in and let you know how much it means to me that you continue to come by often and leave such sweet words of encouragement for me. I appreciate it so much, I really do. I have been having such a really rough time lately, so reading all the sweet comments I've received has really helped lift my spirits. :0) Thank you so much for your kindness and your friendship.

I pray you and your precious family enjoy a wonderfully blessed Christmas season.


Teresa <><


When did I become my Mom said... 9

Teresha! I just started back crocheting after many many years! I wanted to do hand made presents but I started too late.

If you're serious about starting, check out ravelry.com and let me know. I'd be glad to buddy with you!

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