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Vote for Marlie!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I entered Marlie's cute, little mug into a photo contest at Hip Green Baby. The top 3 vote earners get a $30 gift certificate toward the purchase of a cloth diaper or accessory. Marlie wants to add to her fluffy stash.

You can help by clicking on this link VOTE FOR MARLIE which will open up a window in your default email program with all the information already included. All you have to do is hit send!

If this doesn't work you can always go directly to the Hip Green Baby website and follow her instructions.

Every vote earns an extra entry into any of my giveaways through April 3. Just be sure to cc me on your email vote so I can verify your entry.

Now go vote! Don't. Make. Me. Beg. Okay, I'm begging you...pretty please?!


Anonymous said... 1

Lil Miss. Marlie has this in the bag...she is just the most adorable little lady. My vote has been counted

Kimberly Grabinski said... 2

I voted!

Merrie L. said... 3

I voted too; she's so cute!

The Redhead Riter said... 4

Voting for her is a given, but THANK YOU for making it sooooooooooo easy. I didn't even have to think!!!

Enjoy your Saturday!

Maureensk said... 5

I voted, but in google e-mail, it didn't enter her name. It just said "I vote for". So I typed in Marlie.

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